Infomation Pages

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Announcement: S.O.F.T Christmas!

Hey Squaddies! This is Alex here, bringing you an important S.O.F.T announcement!

Link and I have had a great time over the last eight-ish months; doing both written and video reviews of our favourite blasters, getting our hands on the latest gear including the long awaited Dart Tag series to hit Australia, the latest Elite blasters, the Pyragon... *drools*... and getting into the swing of blogging our Nerf adventures one small step at a time - and it's thanks to you; our readers and fans! Without you, we'd have no purpose in continuing this work and sharing our love for all things foam-blasting :P

But S.O.F.T is still young and we have a long way to go -- more accurately we have a lot to catch up on x_x Link and I have been somewhat off the radar in the last “month plus”, so we're getting back on track with more updates, reviews, and new features to come!

Here at S.O.F.T HQ we love three things about what we do;

1. Foam Dart Blasters (of course)
2. Our loyal readers

So with that in mind… we’ve got something special lined up…

Our first Christmas "Giveaway" Competition! :D

What’s up for grabs? ...

A Nerf Elite Stockade
(Australian version) – brand new in the box and mailed right to your doorstep; absolutely free!

Who is eligible?
Any Australian Resident
(Sorry Overseas Squaddies; since this is our first sizeable giveaway, we want to keep it simple by starting out "local". Plus since this is all out of our own pockets… we’d like to keep the costs down for our first attempt x_x)

What do you have to do for your chance to win a Nerf Elite Stockade?
We would like you to show us what Nerf means to you at Christmas time. It can be in *almost* any format; photos, video, a written essay, music… whatever works for you that expresses how you feel about Nerf and Christmas :P … just as long as we are able to view it and understand it coherently :S

These are the rules to abide by at all times:
- Australian Residents Only
- No offensive or otherwise inappropriate material / submissions… You’ll go straight onto Santa’s Naughty list if you do D:<
- Your submission has to be your OWN! Don’t pinch other people’s work; you wouldn’t like it if someone did it to you…

How to submit your entry to us:
- You can post it (or link to it) on our Squadron Of Foam Tasmania blog:
- Or send us an email to:

What you need to give / tell us:
- A competition entry (of course :P)
- Provide us your name and a way for us to contact you (e-mail address, Facebook, etc) – so if you win we know how to get in touch with you! (It would be best to send these sensitive details to our e-mail: )
- *If* we contact you as our winner, we will require you to provide us with your postal address… otherwise the Nerf Stockade won’t be able to find the way to its new home :( 

Some recommendations:
- As long as whatever you submit involves Nerf and Christmas together, let your creativity go with it! Just remember to try and be original, and again; do not steal other people’s ideas as mentioned earlier!
- We will be judging on quality, not quantity. You are welcome to submit multiple entries… but we think you’ll be better off spending more time focusing on one GREAT entry rather than lots of little ones :P
- Try to make sure your entry is easy to understand! Blurry photos, very shaky video or poorly spelt writing makes it difficult for us to judge :S
- If you have any other questions at all, just ask away! Here, Facebook, via e-mail - whatever suits you! :D

Once I have my hands on my own Nerf Stockade, I’ll also do a S.O.F.T video review on it, hopefully I’ll obtain it in time for my next Nerf War to do some footage of it and my other Elite blasters in action :P

The competition closes 2nd January 2013 Midnight – so you’ve got another two weeks to work on your entry and submit it! 

The winner will be announced on 4th January 2013 at 10:00pm AEST

The prize will be posted out as soon as possible after that – at this stage I cannot guarantee *when* because it depends on my job schedule, as well as if Australia Post decide to play silly or have a break between Xmas and New Year’s :S 

BUT! It will definitely be sent as soon as I am able to do so!

Good luck, Happy Nerf-ing and pretty soon we’ll have ourselves a very Nerf-y Christmas! :D


  1. Is The Skirmish Before Christmas too generic?

  2. [Alex] It all depends on how you pull it off :P I can wager we will see a few entries like that, but if it is done well and as long as it is your own original work then why not? :P

  3. [Alex] Updated entry close and winner announcement dates :)
