Infomation Pages

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Squadron of Foam Tasmania! :D

(Link) Well, thank you for that... unexpected message... myself. :P 

Hard to believe it has been a year since we got S.O.F.T. up and running. I still remember the day, when I took a brand new leap into a new world of blogging. Quiet, cold, and no idea what I was getting myself into :P 

Since then, I think, we, and my fellow admin friends (Alex and Crispy) have come a long way since those early days. :D Since we are now, kinda experienced (yet slack sometimes :P) we'll make this year better than the last, but won't forget all the help, advice and feedback we received during those first few months. A special shout-out must go to Pocket of Urban Taggers and Neil, formerly of the Canberra DT crew, for inspiring me to have a go at blogging for myself, and to Alex of the Hobart Nerf Squadron, for his group name serving as the inspiration for the awesome S.O.F.T. name. As for the logo, I take the credit for that.

A massive thank you to everyone who has supported us, writing us e-mails, leaving comments, affiliation requests, and just reading and viewing our features. If it wasn't for you guys, I'd still be digging my way out of the blogging cave :P 

Hopefully, the rest of 2013 and early 2014 will hold good fortune for S.O.F.T, and Alex, Tom, Crispy, Jack and I are looking forward to the ride ahead. And new blasters :D

Now, what's a birthday without cake? Happy Birthday S.O.F.T.! :D

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